Day 11 & 12: Stage one complete (layover in Kyoto)

We completed stage one of the Samurai Epic cycling the Noto Peninsula and Japanese Alps.  Below is a group photo from stage one.  Four riders will be leaving and four new riders will be joining us for the second stage in Shikoku.

This morning we took the train from Gifu to Kyoto where we will have a layover or rest day. 

This was a fun group with three quarters of the riders residing from Australia.  For the second stage, five new riders will be joining us from Australia, France and the United States.

The Kyoto train station is modern, clean and busy.

Entrance of Kyoto train station.  It's clear mass transportation is a budget priority for Japan.

 Train ride from Gifu to Kyoto.

City bikes are common sights in urban settings like Osaka & Kyoto.

 Traffic scene in Kyoto.

Students in yellow caps leaving Kyoto train station.

Nearly 1,600 temples in Kyoto.

Halloween decorations at the Miyako Hotel.

Sapporo Yebisu to end the day.  

Can't wait to explore this wonderful city on our rest day before embarking on the second stage of the Samurai Epic. 


do they lock their bikes in the city? And how does the full sign on the bike park work? is there an attendant?
Adrian said…
I have not seen a bike lock in Osaka or Kyoto yet. For stage one of the Samurai tour we typically left our bikes unlocked in front of the hotel. As a visitor of Japan, my initial impression is one of safe, clean, orderly, law abiding and respect for elders.
Jodie said…
Kyoto is a beautiful city. Enjoy. I am so enjoying your trip from afar. I can't imagine being there. Thank you for the pics and updates.